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Chertsey Real Estate Broker

Buy or sell a property in Chertsey with Lydia Soczniew and Sylvain Leclerc.

RE/MAX Prestige Real Estate Agency

For more information, do not hesitate to call us:

(450) 944-6661 or (450) 944-1923


Chertsey offers mountains of possibilities

Chertsey is located in the foothills of the Laurentian Mountains, less than an hour from Montreal (75 kilometers). There are many beautiful lakes and rich forests offering nature lovers, both residents and tourists, a real playground. This is a unique place to live with your family or to enjoy a sweet retreat.

Chertsey territoire montagneux

Chertsey, a small town located in an immense natural territory. Here is an aerial view made with Google Earth.

Once cleared and partially cultivated, the territory has now been returned to its original forest. There are several species of trees: white pine, red pine, hemlock, sugar maple, cherry trees, fir, aspen, birch, and cedar.

There are also many beautiful lakes; the territory is crossed by the Ouareau River, where wood was still floating in the early 1950s, and which drains the Jean-Venne and Burton rivers. The Forest Ouareau Park occupies the northern part of the township.

municipalité de chertsey

The city of Chertsey and its surroundings as seen by the Google Earth tool.

A Bit of History

More than two centuries ago, Chertsey was part of the immense region known as the Territory of the small Algonquin Nation. The forest stretched as far as the eye could see and nature, in its wild state, reigned supreme. Only a few Indians of the Algonquin tribe and bold trappers roamed the region in search of their livelihood.

It was around 1848 that Jean-Romuald Pare,pares, then parish priest of Saint-Jacques-de-l'Achigan and colonization agent for Montcalm County, founded the Société des défricheurs with local notables to develop the township of Chertsey. The survey and the allocation of lots were done starting in 1849, and many settlers of Acadian origin settled there. Mr. Paré is rightly considered the founder of Chertsey. By the name of the government, he gave the first leasehold titles to the families of French-Canadian settlers, but also to Irish, Scottish, and English-speaking families.

histoire de chertsey

We recommend this book to read for anyone that will move or visit Chertsey.

Chertsey became a township municipality on January 1, 1856 and the first meeting of the municipal council of the Township of Chertsey was held on March 22 of that same year. The parish of Saint-Théodore de Chertsey was canonically erected on August 6, 1866. In 1867, a new presbytery was built and in 1869, a new church was built. A.H. Coutu, the parish priest at the time, was a builder who continued the work parish priest Paré.

The municipality was then known as a land of agricultural colonization, which will be transformed, over the years, into a resort area.

Did You Know That ...

A few important facts characterize Chertsey. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry apparently made a brief stay at the Dupuis family cottage (from June 5 to 8, 1942), during which he wrote part of his famous book, The Little Prince. Brother André came to visit the Marie-Reine-des-Cœurs diocesan shrine in 1936. In August 1944, the exterior scenes of the film "Father Chopin" (The Music Master) by Fedor Ozep were shot in Chertsey, with the participation of many extras from the village.

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Why choose Chertsey as your place of residence?



In terms of demographics, according to the table below, the municipality showed a slight decline during the 2011 and 2016 five-year periods. Less than an hour from Montreal via Route 25 and then Route 125, Chertsey offers several advantages to those who want to buy a property in a quiet area close to nature. Due to its advantageous geographical location, at the first foothills of the Laurentian Mountains, Chertsey has become an important resort community in the Lanaudière region. According to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the population today is 4,985 Chertsois and Chertsoises, to which more than 10,000 vacationers join annually. (Source: https://www.mamh.gouv.qc.ca/repertoire-des-municipalites/fiche/municipalite/62047/)

population de Chertsey

(Source : Wikipédia)

At the Heart of Nature!

The mountainous territory favours the diversity of the vegetation cover. In the spring, the tender green colour of the first hardwoods gives off a feeling of tenderness, while in the fall, the Laurentian Forest is transformed into a symphony of colours to bring out a certain passion.

The fauna includes a wide variety of aquatic and terrestrial species: speckled trout, brown trout, bass, and perch are among the most common varieties. The forests, a large part of which are found in the northern part of the township, are still unexploited. The wooded areas are home to a variety of wildlife including moose and white-tailed deer, partridge, hares, ducks, and a number of furbearers including beaver, muskrat, and raccoon.

nature et forets

The Chertsey region is synonymous with nature and quality of life. Source: Aventure Chertsey (https://www.aventurechertsey.ca/)

One can also enjoy the vicinity of many lakes, including the five largest in the region: Lake Chertsey (called the 7th lake, with 129 hectares of territory), Lake Gour (called the 9th lake with 107 hectares of territory), Lake Beaulac (with 85 hectares), Lake Brûlé (with 69 hectares), Lake Godon (with 40 hectares). In fact, there are 168 lakes on the entire territory of the municipality.

The Jean-Venne River flows down from Entrelacs to join the Ouareau River, passing by several spectacular waterfalls that are part of Chertsey's natural heritage. The most spectacular is the Chute-à-Michel.

rivière Ouareau

Friends of the Forest Ouareau. To discover, love, and protect the Forest Ouareau Regional Park. Source: http://amisdelaforetouareau.org/.

The many walking trails, such as those in the Forest Ouareau Park, allow you to enjoy the softness of the undergrowth in all seasons. You can also practice climbing (a climbing wall at Murmures Trail), bouldering (at the Murmures Trail), rustic camping, etc. For these activities, we invite you to visit the Forest Ouareau Park website (see the link at the end of this page).

In the summer, many berries such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, as well as hazelnuts abound. From the center of the village, the Sentiers de l'Amitié (Friendship Trail) offers short hikes in the forest and educational facilities.

Sentiers de l'amitié

Sentiers de l'Amitié (Friendship Trail) (Source: https://chertsey.ca/loisirs-sports-et-culture/sports-et-plein-air/sentiers-de-randonnee)

Economically, Chertsey is a sustainable municipality. In 2011, the "Strategic Development Vision" study commissioned by the municipality concludes that its future rests on the development of vacationing and tourism while respecting the natural landscapes and the tranquility of the area. The study recommends developing hiking trails, protecting natural sites, and making Chertsey a nature paradise that is an hour away from Montreal. The village has therefore adopted, since 2011, a set of environmental policies for families, seniors, and healthy lifestyles by promoting the creation of hiking trails and bike paths. It offers its citizens a host of cultural and recreational activities that make Chertsey a pleasant village to live in.

Services for its Population

In terms of education, the municipality has one French elementary school (École de Saint-Théodore-de-Chertsey), administered by Des Samares School Board. Two English schools are also located in the area: an elementary school (Rawdon Elementary School) and a high school (Joliette High School).

Concerning the cultural field, the municipality has a library and a performance hall (in the church).

Chertsey spectacles

Some of the shows that will be presented this spring and next summer. (Source: https://ww1.ticketpro.ca/groups.php?id=151&languageid=2&aff=lbedc)

The singer and musician Roger Miron, born in 1929 in Chertsey, had an international career and launched the careers of many Quebec stars as an artist manager.

We can visit historical places:

  • For prayer and recollection, the Marie-Reine-des-Coeurs Marian Center, located in the middle of the forest.
  • Also, the church, whose construction was completed in 1897 under the direction of the architect Dostaler of Joliette. La Presse of January 19, 1897 described it as follows: "The church of Chertsey by its remarkable altar, by the dimensions of its nave, by the rich sculptures of its pulpit, by the imposing majesty of its pilasters, can be rightly counted among the most beautiful of the Laurentians."

spectacles chertsey

This place of worship, rooted in its community, is by vocation a space for meetings and exchanges. Recently, major renovations have turned La Belle Église into a performance hall, with the ambition to shine in showbiz. You will surely appreciate its superior sound quality and its warm and intimate atmosphere. Thousands of spectators and several renowned artists have already enjoyed the experience. We are waiting for you!

In terms of sports and outdoor activities, there are many possibilities. In the winter, you can go to dog sledding, skiing, snowshoeing, tobogganing, or, in the summer, hiking, mountain biking/Fat bike, golfing or VTT.

Fishing seems complicated on the surrounding lakes as access would be all private, but trout fishing is possible by canoe on the Dufresne River.

Concerning family activities, we include the labyrinth at Guy Rivest Farm, Arbraska, the land of the buffalo, Chutes-Dorwin Park. Discover the labyrinth of Guy Rivest Farm with the two video clips below available on their Facebook page.


Every year since 2018, Chertsey has hosted the Rallye des couleurs (Rally of Colors), an event created to bring together friends, family, and loyal car rally enthusiasts, which runs all day starting at 10:00 am. A challenge that you can complete in about five hours through the colorful roads of Chertsey and the surrounding area. HAS Incomplete award challenge of approximately five hours through the colorful roads of Chertsey and the surrounding area.

Commercially, Chertsey's businesses include a few restaurants, a sugar shack, hair salons, clothing stores, pet grooming, several grocery stores including a butcher shop and a bakery, a few garages, a hardware store, a pharmacy, and a gas station.

Chertsey marché public

The Marché Public Chertsey is an exhibition and sale of local products related to healthy eating and the pleasures of the dining table with 20 diversified kiosks at each event. It is open from July 10 to August 25, 2021. (Source: https://lanaudiere.ca/fr/evenements-lanaudiere/marche-public-chertsey/)


Chertsey - Real estate statistics

chertsey real estate market march 2023

CHERTSEY simgle family house market march 2023

Chertsey - Usefull links


Sources of the texts published in this article

Chertsey Real Estate Broker

Real estate expertise

Lydia Soczniew and Sylvain Leclerc are experienced and dedicated real estate brokers, offering specific expertise in Lanaudière real estate. With in-depth knowledge of the region and the industry, Lydia and Sylvain are committed to helping their clients achieve their real estate goals.

Specializing in the sale of cottages, homes and land in the Lanaudière region, Lydia and Sylvain offer personalized, professional service every step of the way. Whether you're a buyer or a seller, their goal is to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed decisions and succeed in your real estate transaction.

With an approach focused on each client's unique needs, Lydia and Sylvain work tirelessly to deliver exceptional service and outstanding results. With their expertise in marketing, negotiation and real estate appraisal, they can provide sound advice and effective strategies to achieve your goals.

When you work with Lydia and Sylvain, you can rest assured that you're in good hands. Their commitment to excellence, their work ethic and their dedication to each and every client are the foundations of their continued success in the real estate industry.

For more information, don't hesitate to give them a call:

(450) 944-6661 or (450) 944-1923

Lydia Soczniew's Google company profile: https://g.page/r/CRAGThYR1m4fEAE

Sylvain Leclerc's Google company profile::


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